Ludham Primary School and Nursery Admissions Policy 


Ludham Primary School and Nursery follows the Norfolk County Council policy for first admissions to school.

All applications for school admissions, including in year transfers, must be made through the admissions team at county hall. Parents of children of pre school age should register an interest with the school but this is not part of the application process.

By law, children must start statutory education full time at the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday. Where admission is offered prior to compulsory school age, parents may defer their child’s entry into school until later in the academic year.

Children born between 1st September and the end of February may start school full-time no earlier than the beginning of the Autumn Term before their fifth birthday.

Children born between 1st March and 31st August, may start school part-time, mornings only, no earlier than the beginning of the Autumn Term before their fifth birthday and full-time at the beginning of the Spring Term before their fifth birthday.

Our admissions policy allows children to start school earlier than the law requires. However, the law also allows parents to ask for their child to be admitted but lets them delay the start date until later in the school year. Your child must start school by the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday and the place must be taken up by the start of the Summer Term. If you inform us that you wish to delay your child’s entry the place will be held and will not be offered to another child.

If there are more applications for places than there are places available, the Education Authority will give preference to children living nearest the school in this order of priority:

1. Children with an Educational Health Care Plan naming the school.

2. Children in public care who live in the area served by the school

3. Children who live within the catchment area and have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.

4. Children who live within the catchment area.

5. Children who live outside the catchment area and have a brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.

6. Children living outside the catchment area and have no brother or sister attending the school at the time of their admission.

During the term before they start, children will be invited to visit the school so that they can become familiar with the teachers and the classroom. Individual arrangements will be made by the EYFS staff to meet families with their child.